Tilman at the Lyon Biennale
Sep 7, 2015
Tilman is an international artist whose work has been shown in Europe, the US and Australia in many solo and group exhibitions over the past 30 years. Reflectorium, Voyage au bout de la nuit, a site specific installation created by Tilman is exhibited from the 7th of September to the 30th of October in parallel to the 13th Lyon Biennale (10 Sept-3 January).
Reflectorium, Voyage au bout de la nuit
The artwork will be jointly presented by Galerie Tator and Snap-Project, two galleries based in Lyon, on the ground of the Factatory, an artists' residence owned and managed by Galerie Tator.
Tilman's work, which has regularly been considered as influenced by the non-objective avant-garde of the beginning of the XXth century, remains however essentially driven by spontaneity and emotions. In his creative process, the choice of forms and colours is intuitive. There is no pre-defined intention, other than providing the viewer with a strong visual and emotional impact.
In his site-specific installations, such as the one presented in Lyon, and his three-dimensional objects, he uses space to enhance further the impact of his work. Indeed, by embracing fully the ephemeral qualities and interrelations between architectural space and natural light, he enhances not only the visual aspect of these creations but also the train of thought behind them.
Most of Tilman's work is actually three-dimentional: sculptures created on-site or wall objects.