Natural and mystical processes inspire Ostovany. Informed by a variety of different cultures, Ostovany feels a connection to multiple separate and yet complementary mystical traditions.
He looks toward elements of Western and Eastern art, literature, spirituality, poetry and music to create an environment and a mindset conducive to his process, which is connected to Abstract Expressionism and Color Field painting.
The inspiration for, and meaning of the series Numinous lies in the definition of its title:
NU·MI·NOUS \'n(y)u:-m*-n*s\ aj [From Latin nmen ,nmin-, numen]
Evincing the presence of a deity. Filled with or characterized by a sense of a spiritual presence.
Yari Ostovany is an Iranian-born American abstract artist. He creates richly textured, layered color field paintings that explore processes of metamorphosis. He has lived in Tehran, Cologne, Los Angeles, New York and Reno. He now lives and works in San Francisco.