In his work, Annear catches something that one could depict – if possible – as an encounter between the souls of colour and lines. Colours are neither patches nor fields; they are vibrations whose power lies in subtle nuances rather that in strength. His lines are ways, not borders. Annear paints wet on wet; His work is not assembled, but blends.
Each of Annear’s paintings carry a portion of the space that he has been exploring since the beginning of his works. They offer our eyes something which stands beyond our perception.
A "Paradolia" (or "pareidolia") is the perception of a recognizable image or meaningful pattern where none exists or is intended, as the perception of a face in the surface features of the moon or seeing images in clouds. A meaning, without the intention of a meaning...
Jeremy Annear is an English painter who was introduced to St Ives modernism in his early formative years. He lives and works in Cornwall.